Well, after more than 40 years of immersing ourselves in both antique and
contemporary jewellery, we decided that it was time to have a good objective and dispassionate look at the whole subject and re-assess our ethos of a commodity that we have always loved.
So what is the actual purpose of jewellery?
- To adorn and decorate.
- To draw attention to, flatter and accentuate a particularly personal physical feature.
- To be a personal token of love, admiration and appreciation.
- To mark a personal, significant or special occasion or achievement in the recipient’s life.
And what is the most salient word that leaps out from this list?
It is the word “PERSONAL”
We have spent our lives admiring, acquiring knowledge of the styles, fashions and manufacturing techniques of historic periods in what could be described as an “Eras Tour” of Jewellery Design – and what a tour it has been! On delving deeper into the existence of every single item of jewellery that has passed through our hands, there is an identical question that can be addressed to every single piece. “For what reason and for whom was it originally made?” Each jewel has its own story which is only meaningful to its giver and receiver and their immediate direct family descendants.

However beautiful, exquisitely conceived, historically interesting and visually covetable an item of jewellery can be, there is bound to be something intrinsic that is irretrievably lost to the new purchaser – the original emotion and affection behind its very existence! So, in a moment of Damascene revelation, it became very apparent that this is the direction in which our business must proceed.
From now on we shall purely specialise in being the designer and creator of such emotionally intrinsic and meaningful jewels and be the conduit through which such symbolism materialises in an aesthetic, tactile and intensely personal form.

Rather like a portrait painter working with the commissioner to produce an honest and accurate representation of the sitter, so shall we work with our client to endeavour to produce a truly personal jewel and one which encapsulates the character, personality and intrinsic qualities of the recipient.

During an initial meeting we shall glean as much information about the recipient as we possibly can. We shall produce a series of designs from which our client can choose, followed by a selection of gemstones, if the design dictates. We shall then produce a cost quotation and a time schedule. This is really what jewellery is all about. Personality, individuality, admiration, devotion and love – what could possibly be more appropriate?
Of course, we have already been exceedingly lucky in receiving such personal commissions throughout our years of trading and we have been fortunate enough to have been given free rein in producing unique designs and jewels – and it is to this aspect of our business that we are going devote ourselves in the future.

So, whatever the occasion, be it an engagement ring, a birthday celebration or a new arrival, an anniversary present, a “Good Luck” token, or simply an “I love you” or “Thank you” gesture – no matter how large or small, how expensive or inexpensive, come and see us and put us to the test.
Let’s talk ………………………………..